Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Dilema Within

During our "Ignition" service last night, I was worshipping God and feeling kind of frustrated about where I am at with my relationship with God. So I went up to the altar and knelt down and began to pray and talk to God, then I felt lead to pull out my treo and open the Bible program. As I did Romans 8 came to my mind, so I looked it up in the message version and this verse jump out at me.

It was Romans 8:5: "those who think they can do it on their own end up obsessed with measuring their own moral muscle but never get around to excercising it in real life...

One of my biggest frustration, struggles, whatever you want to call it as a pastor is always trying to do everything on my own. Let me explain it like this, I read something the other day by another pastor that said this: "I called myself a pastor, thats when it dawned on me: I had become a full-time minister and a part-time follower of Christ."

It always seems to be a challenge for me to keep my relationship with God ahead of the work that I do for Him. The thing is, and I can't seem to get this through my thick head, is that my relationship with Him determines my effectiveness of my work for Him.

Father, help me to put our relationship first and the things I do for you down the do great things for you...I MUST GROW!


Anonymous said...

Pastor Tim I know how that goes. Although I'm not a pastor I still feel as if I hold an important place of leadership and I can deffinately see where you're coming from. Alot of the time I'm trying so hard to perfect the team (find a and get to the place where I feel that we're successful that I completely ignore the fact that when it all comes down to it...what matters most is if God is getting the glory through our worship. It has recently hit me (once again) how important it is for me to have a life that glorifies our Maker. We as leaders set the bar for people who trust us enough to lead them to a higher level with God. It's ALOT of responsibility and kinda scary at times (at least to me it is).Thank God He's always there to let us pick up right where we left off and begin to grow in Him more..right? Anyway, I just wanted to send some encouragement and let you know that you're not alone. And I wanted to let you know that you're a great youth pastor and I know God has put you right where you need to be at the appropriate time. I'm glad that God showed you something great during the Ignition service and I pray that you're relationship with God grows even deeper than it's ever been! I love you and Meg both...and you're precious little girls too!!! You guys are crazy blessings in my life!Peace OuT!

Anonymous said...

Ptim that was great...I felt like that on that sunday too..i even when down and worshipped and i felt so great when i left, then i had a crappy week at school, but i had to keep strong, to get through the week so that i could get all my schoolwork done..i know that god was stretching me and getting me to run to him and not other things in life that could do harm or something...i hope you have a great week!!! i love you and meg and your cute little girls.. Allie