Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in along time, (Ideally I like to go in the fall, winter and spring, leaving the summer for more outdoor activities) I hadn't been there since probably April or May. Anyway it felt really good to get back on the treadmill and walk/run a couple of miles and then go and lift a few weights.
Along with this I am trying to eat better as well. So after dinner last night I was at home and so tempted to pick something up and eat it, but everytime I put it back and said out loud "discipline."
I want to start telling myself "NO!" Whether its because I was an only child and got my way or maybe its because of my personality, but I have always told myself "YES!" And because of that I have gained probably 20-30 pounds over the past 7-8 years, I have not prayed or read my Bible or any other books for that matter like I would like. So this year I am disciplining myself like never before!
Because I know the first question that Gary Fowler is going to ask is..."what is your plan?" here it is:
- Go to the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday or Saturday (depending on weekend schedule or plans).
- Rotate days on cardio and weights (yesterday was 1/2 hour on the treadmill, today will be more time on weights)...burn a minimum of 1,000-1,200 calories a week.
- Only eat between 1600-2000 calories a day
- Come into sanctuary before noon during the week: Prayer, read my Bible, and journal!
- Read 1 book a month (not exceeding 200-225 pages)
- Read/pray through Celebration of Discipline - I want to get everything out of this book that I can about spiritual discplines; so I want to read about a particular discipline and then work on implementing that in my life. Read the next and so on...
- Our family to be on a written budget and FOLLOW IT! We are out of debt except for our car...I want to get our car paid off and have 3-6 months of expenses in saving and another $10,000 for a down payment BEFORE we buy a house. Probably won't happen this year, but that is the goal we are going to work towards
Love to hear some feedback...especially from my workout mentors: Konan, Andy and Gary!