Tuesday, January 15, 2008

My word for 2008

My word for 2008 is.... Discipline!  One thing that I have found in my life that causes me the most frustration is my lack of discipline, I mean across the board. Whether it's prayer, Bible reading, exercise or simply just telling myself NO!  I want to work on being more disciplined this year!  This is not a New Years Resolution or anything like that... it is simply an observation of my life and how I need to improve it.

Yesterday I went to the gym for the first time in along time, (Ideally I like to go in the fall, winter and spring, leaving the summer for more outdoor activities) I hadn't been there since probably April or May.  Anyway it felt really good to get back on the treadmill and walk/run a couple of miles and then go and lift a few weights.  

Along with this I am trying to eat better as well.  So after dinner last night I was at home and so tempted to pick something up and eat it, but everytime I put it back and said out loud "discipline." 

I want to start telling myself "NO!"  Whether its because I was an only child and got my way or maybe its because of my personality, but I have always told myself "YES!"  And because of that I have gained probably 20-30 pounds over the past 7-8 years, I have not prayed or read my Bible or any other books for that matter like I would like.  So this year I am disciplining myself like never before!

Because I know the first question that Gary Fowler is going to ask is..."what is your plan?"  here it is:
  • Go to the gym on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday or Saturday (depending on weekend schedule or plans).
  • Rotate days on cardio and weights (yesterday was 1/2 hour on the treadmill, today will be more time on weights)...burn a minimum of 1,000-1,200 calories a week.
  • Only eat between 1600-2000 calories a day
  • Come into sanctuary before noon during the week: Prayer, read my Bible, and journal!
  • Read 1 book a month (not exceeding 200-225 pages)
  • Read/pray through Celebration of Discipline - I want to get everything out of this book that I can about spiritual discplines; so I want to read about a particular discipline and then work on implementing that in my life.  Read the next and so on...
  • Our family to be on a written budget and FOLLOW IT!  We are out of debt except for our car...I want to get our car paid off and have 3-6 months of expenses in saving and another $10,000 for a down payment BEFORE we buy a house.  Probably won't happen this year, but that is the goal we are going to work towards
This list may grow, but right now this is where my discipline is starting for now...I want to have  plan and then work it...plan the work and the work the plan (I think that is the correct saying...haha).

Love to hear some feedback...especially from my workout mentors: Konan, Andy and Gary!


zavalashane said...

Hey man I'm with ya on this and if you need someone to help ya let me know. I have to say when you make these type of decisions they cause a ripple effect. I saw this and decided myself to get movin on somethings i've needed to do. Let me know!

Unknown said...

Tim, that is a great plan. How is it going?

Anytime you mention me in a blog, it is a great post.

I haven't checked ya in awhile but you are back on the reading rotation. Keep blogging!!!