That past week has been pretty crazy. I have been spending a lot of time getting prepared for our Easter Production. I was in charge of shooting the video and I also helped with some of the sound/tech stuff. With a rehearsal last Tuesday a dress rehearsal on Thursday and then the actual productions on Friday and Sunday.
Things went well over all, know I just have to spend time at the computer editing. I am glad that it is soon to be all over because I can finally focus on the things that I want/need to focus on...once I catch my breathe a little I will try to fill you in on some of the things that have been happening and some of the things that I are going on in my crazy head...
Sunday, March 23, 2008
Saturday, March 15, 2008
8 Wonderful Years
This past Monday through Wednesday morning Meg and I had a wonderfully relaxing time at Kalahari here in Sandusky. We arrived Monday afternoon to a VERY busy resort, we found out that it was Ontario's spring break, so needless to say we found ourselves surrounded by a bunch of Canadians, Ay!
Anyway, that evening we had a couples message then dinner. Tuesday I had gotten Meg a manicure and then we pulled Kyrsten out of school an hour early so we could spend some time with her swimming at the waterpark. That is when is we were standing in the kiddie area...Meg saw it first, a site that we couldn't caused
us to look at each other and start laughing and then look at the lifeguard standing by us and laugh as well. It was a middle aged man, probably in his late 40's maybe early 50's walking around in a speedo...yeah you read correctly...a speedo!
I could not believe that someone would wear a speedo to a water park where families are hanging out and having fun together! My first thought was..."he must be a Canadian..." hahaha j/k! The second thing that I thought was..."there should be a law against wearing those things unless you are in a sanctioned swimming event, like the Olympics!!" Do you think we could start a petition to take to Congress?
Anyway we had a great time with Kyrsten and overall it was an awesome time to just get away and relax together!
Anyway, that evening we had a couples message then dinner. Tuesday I had gotten Meg a manicure and then we pulled Kyrsten out of school an hour early so we could spend some time with her swimming at the waterpark. That is when is we were standing in the kiddie area...Meg saw it first, a site that we couldn't caused

I could not believe that someone would wear a speedo to a water park where families are hanging out and having fun together! My first thought was..."he must be a Canadian..." hahaha j/k! The second thing that I thought was..."there should be a law against wearing those things unless you are in a sanctioned swimming event, like the Olympics!!" Do you think we could start a petition to take to Congress?
Anyway we had a great time with Kyrsten and overall it was an awesome time to just get away and relax together!
Sunday, March 09, 2008
Day off, Wii and Playing in the snow...
Today was a really cool day! I got a call from Pastor Hiser saying that we were canceling service at around 630AM, which allowed me to sleep about another 3 hours! Just after I got up I got a call from Pastor Tom (our associate) telling me that the Toys R Us here in Sandusky had 60 Wii's just after 10AM I ran up there hoping that people were still digging out and couldn't get there...I was in luck! I was one of the first dozen!! So I bought the Wii and headed home.
After getting it all hooked up I played a quick game with Kyrsten (she is catching on fast!) and then we met Meg's parents for a lunch buffet at Chet & Matt's! Spent the afternoon playing Wii with the fam and then watching the Nascar race! My boy Tony Stewart came in 2nd! It was a good day!
After the race we got the girls dressed up and took both of them outside to play in the snow...It was Kinsey's first time...she didn't care much for the snow, other than eating it (it was clean) after seeing her sister do it. I will try and post some pics soon.
Then it was back inside for Dinner and more Wii! To sum up the was cool to just hang out with Meg and the girls! It was nice to sit back and relax and just be a family!
Looking forward to tomorrow...Meg and I's 8 year anniversary is Tuesday, so her and I are heading to Kalahari for a couple of nights to just relax and hang out together! CAN NOT WAIT!
Saturday, March 08, 2008
Yesterday a bunch of guys headed to Firestorm (an ohio AG district men's conference) in Columbus. As we left to head down the snow storm started to hit. OH 250, OH-12 and I-71 were all pretty snow covered, but we still made it there in like 2 1/2 hours.
The service last night was Jeff Saturday, the center for the Indianapolis Colts. Even though he spoke for over an hour, it didn't totally feel like it, he told some pretty cool stories and had a cool testimony of how God has worked in his life. Following the service our group to Quaker Steak for some wings and then headed back to the hotel. It was still snowing, the roads were so so, but with my 4 wheel drive Explorer nothing to be concerned with...
This morning I was woke up by a pounding on my hotel room door. It was Pastor Tom and a few other guys saying that the weather had gotten ALOT worse in Columbus and in Sandusky so they wanted to head home, so I threw my stuff together and we jumped in the car... we barely got out of the parking lot and we had to push a guy who had gotten his car stuck.
Long story short, we ended driving all the way to Strongsville on 71 to catch the turnpike and take it to Sandusky. In total it took us 4 1/2 to 5 hours to get home. I feel sorry for my brother in law, Ken DeChant, it took him almost 7 1/2 hours to get home...going the same way.
When we finally got to OH-250 we followed a plow up to Sandusky...I kid you not, there were times when I couldn't see the plow and we were only 10-15 yards behind was crazy! Just glad to be home safe! It seems that most of Ohio was in a level 3 emergency with the roads... I am kind of hoping we cancel church tomorrow, but we will have to wait and see.
One final note, I saw Gary Fowler at Firestorm and he told me that if I didn't start blogging again then I was off his list. So Gary, here you go! I do apologize for the lack of post recently, since my last one we had fine arts and several big projects going on around the church. I am finally starting to catch my breathe...I will catch you up on the happenings of the past few weeks soon!
The service last night was Jeff Saturday, the center for the Indianapolis Colts. Even though he spoke for over an hour, it didn't totally feel like it, he told some pretty cool stories and had a cool testimony of how God has worked in his life. Following the service our group to Quaker Steak for some wings and then headed back to the hotel. It was still snowing, the roads were so so, but with my 4 wheel drive Explorer nothing to be concerned with...
This morning I was woke up by a pounding on my hotel room door. It was Pastor Tom and a few other guys saying that the weather had gotten ALOT worse in Columbus and in Sandusky so they wanted to head home, so I threw my stuff together and we jumped in the car... we barely got out of the parking lot and we had to push a guy who had gotten his car stuck.
Long story short, we ended driving all the way to Strongsville on 71 to catch the turnpike and take it to Sandusky. In total it took us 4 1/2 to 5 hours to get home. I feel sorry for my brother in law, Ken DeChant, it took him almost 7 1/2 hours to get home...going the same way.
When we finally got to OH-250 we followed a plow up to Sandusky...I kid you not, there were times when I couldn't see the plow and we were only 10-15 yards behind was crazy! Just glad to be home safe! It seems that most of Ohio was in a level 3 emergency with the roads... I am kind of hoping we cancel church tomorrow, but we will have to wait and see.
One final note, I saw Gary Fowler at Firestorm and he told me that if I didn't start blogging again then I was off his list. So Gary, here you go! I do apologize for the lack of post recently, since my last one we had fine arts and several big projects going on around the church. I am finally starting to catch my breathe...I will catch you up on the happenings of the past few weeks soon!
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