Friday, November 02, 2007

Mark Batterson

Last night I had the opportunity to go to the Ohio District Council office and listen to Mark Batterson, Pastor of National Community Church in Washington D.C. It was apart of of the Ohio District's Church Planter's review. I really enjoyed finally meeting and listening in person to a pastor that I have listened to via podcast and blog for close to 4 years, if not longer.

He shared several stories and things that I have heard before through the podcast or blog, but there were a few things that he kind of rabbit trailed on that really stuck out to are some of the take aways I had from his talk.
  • Pray Ridiculous prayers!
  • "Live my life in a way that is the best that God can do" - we have all heard or said, "I am doing the best I can do," but that should not be good enought. Mark used the illustration of tithing. If we don't tithe, then we are only doing 'the best we can do' with our money. However, when we do tithe we are allow God to do the best that he can do! He is can way more with 90% than I can do with 100%.
  • Some of us need to kick off the dust of rejection...I will blog more about this in the future!
  • "A leader is someone who produces more than they consume." Dr. Roden (sp?) - When he talked about this he was discussing consumerism in the church.
  • The biggest thing that he mentioned just for a moment, but smacked me totally in the face was a simple statement about looking for success or satisfaction in ministry. Since he was talking to church planters, he was talking about the 'if i can just reach 100' or 'if i can just reach 300' then I will feel success or satisfaction. But this isn't just for church planters...I felt the Holy Spirit kind of smack me in the face when he said that...he called it a mirage, it will never happen. I can remember when I started in youth ministry I said if I can just have 40 kids it will be a success...I got 40 kids and nothing changed...then it was 60...I got 60 and nothing changed. I must admit that I struggle with finding success in numbers. I feel that if I have a large group that will validate my ministry...I know that it is not right, but I have not been able to break free of that thinking...but I am going to begin praying specifically about breaking that thinking in my life!

Sorry this has been so long, but I guess after 70 days I just kind of puked up all this more thing...I need to thank gary fowler for his encouragement in getting me to blog...I guess if no one else does I know that gary will be reading this...later gary!

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