Saturday, February 10, 2007

Becoming a Lion Chaser

Had to take a short trip to Bellevue today, and on the way I got to catch up on some podcasts. There is a pastor that I listen to alot a from Washington D.C., his name is Mark Batterson. Along with listening to his podcasts I also read his blog ( on a regular basis. I really admire this guys thinking and approach to ministry. He has written a book that I am in the process of reading called "In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day." The podcast I listened to today was about the book.

He was talking about how we have a tendancy as christians to run from challenges, and in his book he describes these challenges as lions. As humans we are born with only two inherit fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All the other fears that we have are learned from experiences in our lives.

I know that one of my greatest fears is the fear of failure. I have a tendency to shy away from big things, because I don't want to fail. One of the things that God has been and is showing me is that I have to trust and rely on Him in those situations. Failure is my 500lb lion, and I have a choice, I can either run from it or chase it!

I don't know about you...but I want to become a lion chaser!

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