Thursday, May 08, 2008

Sudden Death

This afternoon as I am getting ready to shoot a video for Sunday our Church Secretary comes in the room and tells Meg and I that Mike Thomas (who attends our church), has collapsed at Wal-Mart and is not responding..."it's not looking good" she said.

Well an hour later or so we did get word that Mike passed away.  It was so sudden, so unexpected, Mike was 65; not real old, but not young either.  I mean this guy seemed to be in good health!  For him to just collapse and die is just hard to believe.  Meg and I were talking at dinner about how these kind of deaths are always are to accept or understand.  They come from no minute they are here and the next they are gone!

Needless to say, Mike truly loved God and so there is no doubt where he is spending eternity!  Mike was a very fun joking guy, he was a guy who would always say something sarcastic/funny when you saw him and you couldn't help but laugh.  He will truly be missed around FMC!

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