Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Last Day of Vacation!

Sitting in my living room enjoying my last day of vacation! Our church as the most incredible policy...our offices are closed on Mondays, so when a holiday falls on a Monday we get the next day off as well! It is so awesome!

This vacation has been awesome and relaxing! I did very little if any work over the past 10 days, but that means that I have alot to do when I get back in the office tomorrow! Steve Ommert is speaking in Axiom so that is at least one thing off my plate!

I have a lot to do to prepare for Saturday! Our last Angelfood distribution is this Saturday before our switch to Great Food for All, so many things left to do in preparation but I am confident that all will get done! We also have Earthbeat on Saturday and we are kind of behind the 8 ball with this event...alot to do and not alot of time, but I really think all will go well...plus there is like 50% of rain that day so we may have to postpone to our June weather date.

Then next week I have to start our new series in Axiom as well as prepare for our grad service on June 8th, in which I am speaking...I think!

Anyway...back to enjoying my dayoff!

1 comment:

laurenlambert said...

I vote Keegan all the way!!!!!