Thursday, December 27, 2007
I love my church!!
Sunday, December 23, 2007
UPDATE: Big Decision
Again I appreciate all the input!
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Monday, December 03, 2007
Big Decision
I have always thought I was a person that took risk, but when something like this comes around and when the rubber meets the road...I am a big chicken! I am taking all the advice I can get so if ya got any please feel free to give it!!!
Please be praying with us!!
Sunday, December 02, 2007 the way...
In case my parents run across this blog...we planned to suprise you when we got to don't be mad!
It's Christmas Time
This week I have to build 2 camera platforms for the sanctuary, prepare for Axiom on Wednesday night, finalize my budgets for 08...and the list goes on! So please forgive me if my post are kind of hit and miss for the next couple of weeks...we leave for KC on the 15th and that will mark the end of the craziness for december, so I hope to catch up then...
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Thanks for the Prayers!
His mom called me last night saying that she had gotten a lawyer (one that actually was fighting for her son) and that there was a hearing today at 9AM. Since I had not talked with her for over a week she brought me up to speed. The original prosecuter has went out of town on vacation and handed this case to another prosecutor. In talking with this prosecutor, who seemed a little bit more reasonable than the previous, the boys lawyer was able to work out a deal with the new prosecutor to reduce a 3rd degree felony to a 4th degree misdemeanor.
Long story short...We went to court today and the Magistrate accepted the deal and he was released at 11:30am with no probation or anything, he simply has to go to counseling! This is such an answer to prayer! This boy just left my office and God used his time in the DH to draw him closer! It was so cool to see his genuine hunger to turn his life around and live for God!
So for those that read that post and have been praying for my student...THANKS! God truly answered our prayers and the justice system worked, not punishing a young man for something that the detectives tried to manipulate into something worse!!
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
This video really makes you think about our priorities around Christmas...
The scenery down here is incredible! As I type this on the back porch I look out over the mountains and the trees are beautiful! Full of color! There is something about living by the mountains that is so appealing!
Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Fast forward to today...I called his mom and found out that he had a hearing today at 1pm. Unfortunately his mom (whis is single and trying to raise 3 kids) is unable to afford an attorney and the public defenders office is not much help, his lawyer didn't show up today.
As I was sitting in the lobby waiting on his mom the elevator doors opened up and a group of 5 boys coming walking out, all in orange jump suits and handcuffed at the wrist and ankles. Some of the looked really hard but a couple of them looked broken, including my student. I wasn't able to go into the hearing, but I was able to say a brief word to him as he exited. It broke my heart to see this young man who last week was in our youth service hanging out with friends, laughing and having fun and know he is setting in a juvenile jail cell across town.
This kid is a good kid! I have only heard his mom's side but if what she says is true or at least close,then this boy is just the victim of circumstance. And what really stinks is that he may get a lawyer who doesn't care and will give him bad advice. He could any where from 6 months or seven years.
Will you please pray with me that God will work on this young man's behalf. If he guilty then he needs to do the time...but if not then he needs to get back to living his life. I mean this kid ask his mom if he could go to church...he was hungry for God to move in his life and now this happens.
I will be sure to keep you up on what is happening, but please pray for my student! His family and I would really appreciate it...THANKS!
Friday, November 02, 2007
"Get used to it!"
The tone and negative feeling I got as I sat there and read that bumper sticker really got to me. It is because of this type of attitude and persona that people get turned off to the Church and to Christ...anyway I will shut up is just that things like that really get under my skin!
Oh...and on a side note...when we finally turned the corner and I passed the car I looked over the lady was puffing on a cigarette...again I couldn't help but about mixed signals!!
Mark Batterson
He shared several stories and things that I have heard before through the podcast or blog, but there were a few things that he kind of rabbit trailed on that really stuck out to are some of the take aways I had from his talk.
- Pray Ridiculous prayers!
- "Live my life in a way that is the best that God can do" - we have all heard or said, "I am doing the best I can do," but that should not be good enought. Mark used the illustration of tithing. If we don't tithe, then we are only doing 'the best we can do' with our money. However, when we do tithe we are allow God to do the best that he can do! He is can way more with 90% than I can do with 100%.
- Some of us need to kick off the dust of rejection...I will blog more about this in the future!
- "A leader is someone who produces more than they consume." Dr. Roden (sp?) - When he talked about this he was discussing consumerism in the church.
- The biggest thing that he mentioned just for a moment, but smacked me totally in the face was a simple statement about looking for success or satisfaction in ministry. Since he was talking to church planters, he was talking about the 'if i can just reach 100' or 'if i can just reach 300' then I will feel success or satisfaction. But this isn't just for church planters...I felt the Holy Spirit kind of smack me in the face when he said that...he called it a mirage, it will never happen. I can remember when I started in youth ministry I said if I can just have 40 kids it will be a success...I got 40 kids and nothing changed...then it was 60...I got 60 and nothing changed. I must admit that I struggle with finding success in numbers. I feel that if I have a large group that will validate my ministry...I know that it is not right, but I have not been able to break free of that thinking...but I am going to begin praying specifically about breaking that thinking in my life!
Sorry this has been so long, but I guess after 70 days I just kind of puked up all this more thing...I need to thank gary fowler for his encouragement in getting me to blog...I guess if no one else does I know that gary will be reading this...later gary!
70 Days
I have to prepare for a meeting with my Senior Pastor at 11am, but I will post again about a great opportunity that I was able to take advantage of last night...
Friday, August 24, 2007
Fed vs. Feed

Anyway, we were discussing people involvement in churches. So often when someone gets invovled in a ministry they go in with the attitude of 'what can I get out of this?' rather than one of humility and service. In the past I have had people come to me and say they needed to be involved in something were they could get fed more, because that wasn't happening in the youth service. I have always tried to respond understandingly, and encouraged them to seek growth somewhere else.
This whole conversation reminds me of a few meeting/talks that we have had as a staff here at FMC. We intentionally do not design our sunday AM services to 'feed the saints.' Our goal in the those services is to reach out to the guest and those newer in there faith. This poses a problem for the people who do there 'religious duties' on sundays. They have a tendency in their minds to leave not feeling like they got anything out of the service...which they probably didn't, because they are more mature in their faith (to a certain degree).
To often the majority of people who attend church regularly get this mentality that sunday mornings are the times to get fed. They don't read much of their Bible during the week, they don't attend any wednesday night classes or any small groups. So there for they are 'spiritually' eating once a week...turning the vast majority of those people sitting in our sanctuaries on sunday mornings into 'spiritual anorexics.'
If you are involved in a ministry, don't look at through the lense of how can I get fed...learn to feed yourself on a daily and weekly basis by reading the Bible and praying. Then when you go into a service you can well nourished; ready to feed someone else and help them grow in their relationships with God.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
axiom purpose
I do need to apologize that we have not got the message audio uploaded to the axiom website. For some reason the server is not letting me upload it. I am in discussion with our host trying to figure out what is causing the problem, so hopefully we will get if figured out soon!
See ya tomorrow night!!
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Indy 07
Below is video that I shot of both can also check it out on our new 'axiomlive44870' channel. Enjoy!
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
National Fine Arts

Thursday, August 02, 2007
Why do we do what we do?
As he approached the lecturn he set his notes and and scan the audience to see how many were actually paying attention...none really. So he began by asking, "Just out of curiosity, how did you end up in the medical field?" A few eyeball looked up at him, then he said, "You folks look like pretty intelligent people. I bet you could have picked a career that was alot more lucrative and alot let demanding!" He continued, "I marvel at your ability and your desire to get up every morning and find solutions for peoples whose bodies are diseased, injured, mangled and dying."
He continued to share his theory of "Holy Discontent." How that there must be something within them that continues to drive them day after day. Maybe they were raised around someone who a chronic illness or they had a grandmother with altzheimer's or parkinsons disease. Something caused them to say, "I just can't stand it anymore!"
What about you? Why do you do what you do? Is it just to get a paycheck and pay the bills? Do you love what you are doing in life right now? I challenge you to begin to look at your life and see what it is that gets you boiling on the inside...that makes you stand up say, "I CAN'T STAND IT ANYMORE!
What Can't You Stand?
In his book: "Holy Discontent" Bill Hybel's uses the story or analogy of Popeye and his eating spinach. When he would finally have enough of what ever was going on in that epsiode he would say, "I can't stands it no more!" Then he would pop open a can of spinach and get huge forearms and take care of whoever or whatever it was that was causing trouble. And that is the question that keeps getting asked in this book...What can't you stand?
How do you answer that question? What takes place in this world that everytime you see it you just want to explode? For me several things come to mind: people that misrepresent the Church, the name of Christ or Christianity in the Media. Students blinded by the enemy and missing out on a relationship with God. Finally, I would say it would have to be Christians in general who do not care about missions. I guess that my list could go on and on, but those are the first few that come to mind.
I love what he says about Mother Teresa and this REALLY challenged me...he said, "Mother Teresa didn't devote herself to this casue because of a fat paycheck every month; she served the under-resourced people in her midst because her holy discontent had her by the throat and wouldn't let go."
Am I living out my life with my holy discontent grasping my throat not willing to let go? Or am I simply going through life collecting a paycheck and doing a job? I don't know where you are at in your life right now, but will you join me in asking God to help us identify our holy discontent? But lets not stop there...lets get off our butts and do something about it!!
Holy Discontent
Monday, July 30, 2007
6 wins - 6 losses...a 500 season
Still have about 4 games left in the Norwalk league! I hope I can be more consistent both in the field and at bat!
A Little Accident
Believe it or may have totalled my mother-in-laws car. There is cross brace for the engine that the radiator is attached to that got bent, dislodging the radiator. So being that the car is a 1991 Honda Accord, it is probably finished! Luckily they have already been looking at new cars, so I guess meg just sped up the process...get the joy of calling my insurance agent tomorrow!! Fun, Fun!!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Church Picnic
Later in the day following our morning service, we had our annual church picnic. It was a great time! Some played volleyball, horsehoes, and cornhole. We also had some inflatable and water games for the kids...Kinsey loved going down the water slide!!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Date Night
Got to the church a little after 330am this morning for Angelfood. Got everything set and all went well, they unloaded the truck in about an hour and fifteen mintues. I decided to let our awesome host site crew take care of things, so I went home and took a 3 hour nap. After that I got ready and went to the church to prepare for a message that I am speaking tomorrow morning at the shoreline service in Sandusky... and that is when I had the ideat to take Meg out...
Kelly Hixson watched the girls and we went to see the new movie called "No Reservations." It is advertised as like the best date movie of the year...however, I would have to disagree with that slightly!! Don't get me wrong it is a cool movie (for a chick flick), the only problem is that in the previews they totally underplay how sad the movie is...literally I looked over at Meg at one point and I thought she was on the vurge of sobbing. It is sad...but good!
After the movie we went to Starbucks, got some coffee and just sat and talked for about 45 min. It was really cool! We don't do that enough, but I want to start doing it more often. We were able to reconnect on some things regarding family and ministry!
Well got look over my notes for the AM...if you think about it or read this in time please pray for God's anointing as I speak tomorrow...Also have the church picnic tomorrow...maybe I will post some pics of all the cool activities of the day tomorrow.
Friday, July 27, 2007
Rained Out
Well tomorrow is an angelfood distribution day so I have to be at the church by 330am, so I need to get some sleep!
Good Night!
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Time Out...
Can I be transparent for minute? Good! Cause I am gonna be...after all it is my blog...The first half of this year has been incredibly challenging! Actually it started the fall of last year as we promoted and started Angelfood at the church, all the meetings with pastors and planning our own start of not only hosting, but being a drop site where other churches come pick up there food! It became so time consuming...on top of that trying to plan and launch Earthbeat Sandusky...another large project, endeavor or event...take your pick...then add in Fine Arts, Youth Convention, and all the other things that along with Axiom...I got two words for you - BURNED OUT!!
Yeah, by easter of this year I felt sucked dry...the tank was empty! Quite honestly I went into cruise mode...maintaining what I needed to do till I went on vacation...the only problem is, vacation didn't fix it like I thought it would...I walked right back into caous the very weekend I got back, and it continued the month of June...luckily camp season came and it helped!!
Over the couple weeks of camp and a short week of July 4th, I began to get some wind back in my sails! Then spending time with Doug Reed this past week REALLY helped! We didn't talk about anything real deep, but just hanging out with him Sunday afternoon and evening was so cool! I can only describe it like a car with a dead battery...I felt like some jumper cables were hooked up!
I know it sounds like I have left God out of all this, but I haven't...totally. I have to admit that for a few months I felt like God was absent...but he wasn't...I was. It seems that when I begin to allow my schedule to run me that one of the first thing that gets pushed out is my time with God. But I have made a conscious effort to draw closer to God than ever...I want to grow! I am SO SICK of what my life has always been...I want more of God...I have listened to the lies of the enemy to long! I refuse to any longer!!
I know this is long but bear with me...
At Jr High camp, Heath McCoy shared from a passage about Saul and his appointment to be King. in 1 Samuel when God was appointing the King of Israel and Saul's name was called...he ran and hid among the baggage. He ran from what God wanted him to do...he allowed his insecurities to get the best of him. I relate to this alot...I have always felt like God wanted more from me, but I have allowed the lies of the enemy to dictate my actions...and I have hid among the baggage.
One point that he made in the message was this..."You will never be who God wants you to be until you deal with who you've always been..." Yeah, that kicked my butt!!
Its time...Its time for me to look at God and say..."Time in...I want back in the game!" It is time for me to deal with who I have always been and become what God wants me to be!!
Don't know if any of this has made sense...forgive my wordiness, but I just feel that it was time to get some of this stuff off my chest!
Crazy Summer...
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Rockford Air Show

The precision and ability of these pilots is incredible! It was so awesome to get to experience the skill of these pilots! Unfortunately I forgot to take my camera, so I didn't get any pics (these are from the Blue Angel's website). But if you could have seen the glow on Kyrsten's face and the sparkle in her eye as she got to see all the planes and the Blue Angel' was priceless... was what been a dad is all about...I wouldn't trade it for the world!
The Starting Line

After all three of them had shared, Pastor Jeremy DeWeerdt shared from 2 Samuel 23 about Shamah and his bean patch. As he was sharing he talked a little bit about the graduation service. For the RMC graduation they put a line across the stage for the students to cross as they are recognized. Now like me you are thinking it must a finish line because they have completed the program...but in actuality they call it the starting line.
During this time of graduations and graduation parties, it is important that we remember that it is not about finishing. It's about starting, that is why they call it "Commencement," meaning it is time to "commence or start."
If you are reading this and you are a graduate, don't spend all your time looking at what you are leaving behind in H.S. Think about this: You have completed the training, the preperation, now it is time to start...that may mean more training in college or the beginning of a career...but when you walk that line on graduation is not a finish is a starting line!
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Evan Almighty
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sandusky on Thursday morning and drove down to Washington D.C. Spent the evening in DC, and then drove down to the OuterBanks on Friday. It is so nice to be away with my family! I have been burning the candles at both ends most of this year, which is not good. This vacation was way over due! I will try and share some things that we are doing this week. But may not have much to share because "NOTHING" is on my schedule a whole lot this week!
Saturday, May 05, 2007
doing life together
Isn't it the same with our inner flames for God? By ourselves we may have kind of a small flame, but when we join together with other Christ-followers our flames converge and grow. When we come together as Christ-followers in small group settings or accountability groups we can sharpen each other and by sharpening each other we cause our flames to grow!
Who are doing life together with to help your flame grow?
Let me ask you you have to much stuff? I recently read an article in Relevant magazine about our generations "addiction to money," It was a very insightful article. Tony Compolo made this point: Over the past 25 years the average size of homes have increased by 40%, and it is not because we are having more kids, actually we are having less. It has everything to do with the fact that we have more stuff, and what is crazy is that we are having to rent out storage units to hold stuff that we can't fit in our homes.
If Meg and I get to the point where we are trying to figure out where to put stuff that we have, to me that is a sign. We need to get rid of some stuff! I never want to get to the point where I can't park my car in the garage because I have too much stuff. If I reach that point, then somebody is either getting blessed by me giving it away or it's time for a garage sell!
So if your bedroom or house is a little a blessing to someone else and give some stuff away...or have a garage sell...either way take an inventory of all the stuff that you have and haven't used for at least a year! And get rid of it!
permission to speak freely?
But at last...the end is in sight! VACATION!!!
In a couple of weeks we are heading to the Outer Banks for vacation! I absolutely cannot wait! I have a week to get away, recharge my batteries and come back with a new perspective on life and ministry! I love getting away, for some reason I always come back with a new and fresh perspective on things...I guess it helps adjust the focus on my ministry lenses!
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Howdy Stranger!
Monday, February 19, 2007
So as I was talking to Meg I had a priority check. I could either continue working or I could go home and take my daughter out in the backyard and play in the snow...I went home!
I took Kyrsten out in the backyard and for over an hour we played in the snow! She made a couple snow angels, we made a retarded looking snowman, and we even dug a tunnel through a big snow drift on the back patio! It was really cool! And to see the look on her face as she played was so worth it!
I want my kids to know that ministry is important...but NOT more important than them! I pray that I always keep my priorities in check... God -#1; Family - #2; and Ministry - #3.
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Attitude is Everything
This morning I was challenged with this statement: "the most important choice that you make everyday is your attitude." So many times we allow ourselves to get discouraged by the small things of life. Not saying that they are insignificant, but when we step back and look at them through the scope of our lives or eternity for that matter, they are really insignificant.
The book talked about two different types of people: complainers and worshippers. Complainers find things to complain about and worshippers find things to praise God about. I have a choice. Am I going to be a complainer or am I going to be a worshipper? Am I going to spend more time complaining about things that I can't change or worshipping the God who never changes!
Thursday, February 15, 2007
That is one of the things that I appreciate about funerals. It causes you to stop and reflect upon your own life. I caught myself listening to the things that they were saying about their dad and thinking, I want to make sure that I keep my life balanced between my work and my family. I always want my wife and kids to know that they are the most important things in my life! Ministry is very important to me, however, I spend a lot more time being a dad and a husband than I do being a pastor.
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Axiom Cancelled
Hope you have fun with your valentine's (those of you who have one...hahaha)! Be safe if you are going out...the roads are still a little tricky!
Just an FYI! I got Meg 3 cards and 6 beautiful red roses...Also got her a combined valentine's and wedding anniversary present as night suite at kalahari! She loved it!!
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Valentine's Snow Storm
I have such an awesome neighbor! His grandkids came over and used his snowblower to do his driveway and he evidently told them to do mine as three or four swipes and they were done and I didn't have to shovel...except for the sidewalk.
Here are a few pics of all the mess: This is the 3 foot snow drift along the back of the house...if you look at the end of it you will see our 5 foot snow mountain...naturally made by the blowing snow!
Another shot of the front of the house...
Me standing next to the big drift in the back yard...
This is the shot out of our living room window...
Monday, February 12, 2007
I Hope you are planning on attending this wednesday as we continue Love Month! We will continue looking at the Signs on Relational Interstate!
See ya on Wednesday!
A Monday Motivator
Coffee anyone? I recently read the following:
"A group of alumni, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. Offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups-porcelain, plastic, glass, crystal, some plain looking, some expensive, some exquisite-telling them to help themselves to the coffee.
"When all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said, 'If you noticed, all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. 'Be assured that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffee. In most cases it is just more expensive and in some cases even hides what we drink. 'What all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you consciously went for the best cups... And then you began eyeing each other's cup.
'Now consider this:
'Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold and contain life, and the type of cup we have does not define, nor change the quality of life we live.'" Sometimes, by concentrating only on the cup, we fail to enjoy the coffee God has provided us. God brews the coffee, not the cups....enjoy your coffee!
"The happiest people don't have the best of everything. They just make the best of everything."
Make a great week! Doug
We all have a tendency to look at other people's lives and compare them to ours. But it is important for us to be content in what God has given us and to do the best we can with what we have been given!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Becoming a Lion Chaser
He was talking about how we have a tendancy as christians to run from challenges, and in his book he describes these challenges as lions. As humans we are born with only two inherit fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises. All the other fears that we have are learned from experiences in our lives.
I know that one of my greatest fears is the fear of failure. I have a tendency to shy away from big things, because I don't want to fail. One of the things that God has been and is showing me is that I have to trust and rely on Him in those situations. Failure is my 500lb lion, and I have a choice, I can either run from it or chase it!
I don't know about you...but I want to become a lion chaser!
Break from the norm!
Personally it was a great time to just get out of Sandusky and break the normal routine! I like routine, but I have to have a BREAK from time to time. Over the past few weeks I have put in so many hours, rarely taking a break from working (even at home). So I was due for an escape! Would of been nice to get away overnight, but the few hours away was nice!
It's saturday and it back in the routine!
Monday, February 05, 2007
Super Bowl...
Can't wait for Wednesday! Start love month! February is always one of those months that I look forward to...speaking to students about relationships is one of my favorite topics! I believe that relationships are one of the biggest reasons students get "off track" in their relationship with God...because lets face it...choosing your mate is the second most important decision (following Christ is the first!) that you will ever make, because it is supposed to me for a lifetime!
Hope you enjoyed your day off from school because of the cold! Praying that you might get tomorrow off as well!!
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
So please accept my apology for being MIA in the blogosphere! I hope to back at it in February!!
Have a great week...see ya tomorrow!!
Friday, January 05, 2007
What a week!
Today I had my weekly meeting with Pastor Hiser at 1030am, just as that was starting I got a text telling me that one of our students was in the hospital. My meeting with Pastor continued into a lunch meeting with a local business man to discuss the Angel Food Network that will begin hopefully in March. Then directly into a meeting with Carlie Ground, as I was leaving the church to go see the student in the hospital, P. Hiser ask me to follow him to meet a local pastor regarding Angel Food, so after that I headed to Bellevue...and after a couple more errands here in Sandusky...I came home to relax!
I am going to enjoy my weekend...not one free night next week...something going every night. I always try to keep a balanced schedule, but every once and a while I have to have a week like this. Speaking of next week...Don't forget our OSU/Florida National Championship Party on Monday! Check out the calendar on for info and directions!
Hope everyone has a great weekend...we will see ya on Sunday!